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Advanced Training

Specialty Protection LLC offers advanced classes using a state of the art  Portable Small Arms Simulator and Concealed Carry Trainer which allows different scenarios to be created. Specialty Protection LLC has partnered with (UTM) Ultimate Training Munitions to bring the closest real life scenarios for force on role play training. 


You might have taken a Concealed Weapons Permit  class or have range experience with a firearm, but in a REAL LIFE SITUATION do you know how well you will react?  Countless times I have heard "I would like advanced training for real life situations", now you can achieve this with Specialty Protection LLC,  using our simulator, munitions and live fire.


Specialty Protection offers multiple levels of training, from NRA First Steps Course, NRA Pistol Certification Course, NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course, NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course and other advanced classes. 


Depending on your training level we will customize or tailor the class to your needs.  We run thru real life scenerios where civilian students are taught that shooting is not always the best option and that survival depends on conditioned responses under severe stress.


Scenarios are available based on individual needs:  ATM, Bump and Rob, Parking Lots, Arriving Home, Home Invasion/Burglary, Leaving Home, Jogging, Gym and Car Jacking.


Our training will utilize real life scenarios to raise your stress level. Elevated stress levels will cause your body and mind to ADJUST within the stress and TURN ON your learned conditioned responses. Repeated stress scenarios will develop your conditioned responses to allow you to react in order to survive. You will learn awareness, how to recognize potential threats, and how to avoid dangerous areas and situations.

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